2023 年的 Raspberry Pi 股票会怎样? https://picockpit.com/raspberry-pi/zh/%e5%af%b9%e4%ba%8e%e6%a0%91%e8%8e%93%e6%b4%be%e7%9a%84%e9%9d%9e%e5%95%86%e4%b8%9a%e5%ae%a2%e6%88%b7%e6%9d%a5%e8%af%b4%ef%bc%8c2023%e5%b9%b4%e6%98%af%e4%bb%80%e4%b9%88%e6%a0%b7%e5%ad%90%e7%9a%84/ Tue, 15 Aug 2023 10:05:15 +0000 每小时 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 留言者: raspi berry https://picockpit.com/raspberry-pi/zh/%e5%af%b9%e4%ba%8e%e6%a0%91%e8%8e%93%e6%b4%be%e7%9a%84%e9%9d%9e%e5%95%86%e4%b8%9a%e5%ae%a2%e6%88%b7%e6%9d%a5%e8%af%b4%ef%bc%8c2023%e5%b9%b4%e6%98%af%e4%bb%80%e4%b9%88%e6%a0%b7%e5%ad%90%e7%9a%84/#comment-9794 Wed, 19 Apr 2023 19:47:54 +0000 https://picockpit.com/raspberry-pi/?p=3534#comment-9794 回覆的對象為「Christopher McCarty」。

Behind the scenes, please remember that Raspberry Pi was hit by it’s own popularity. If you want to keep it at the same price level (leaving scalpers out of the picture for the time being), then you need to wait until chips become available.
For other manufacturers, which do a much lower volume, it is easier to come by these chips.

The situation is hopefully going to look much different by the end of this year.

Raspberry, as far as I’m aware is not using the Pandemic “as an excuse”. But it is communicating that there are silicon shortages. Which are *still* real.

留言者:克里斯托弗-麦卡蒂 https://picockpit.com/raspberry-pi/zh/%e5%af%b9%e4%ba%8e%e6%a0%91%e8%8e%93%e6%b4%be%e7%9a%84%e9%9d%9e%e5%95%86%e4%b8%9a%e5%ae%a2%e6%88%b7%e6%9d%a5%e8%af%b4%ef%bc%8c2023%e5%b9%b4%e6%98%af%e4%bb%80%e4%b9%88%e6%a0%b7%e5%ad%90%e7%9a%84/#comment-9551 Thu, 23 Mar 2023 23:39:50 +0000 https://picockpit.com/raspberry-pi/?p=3534#comment-9551 I believe Upton and the Raspberry Pi Foundation has handled their shortage very poorly and this is why there is a shortage for this long. The pandemic has been over for a while now but yet they’re still using the pandemic as an excuse. They sound like the USPS! I have moved on from Raspberry Pi and have found better alternatives. No more of my money will go to Upton.
