Raspberry Pi project ideas: Reanimating the Retro!

raspberry pi projects typewriter geiger counter text games

Here are some new and exciting Raspberry Pi projects that find ways of reanimating the retro! Interactive fiction games with Raspberry Pi Pico Eric Badger has created the BadgerFrotz, which allows you to play Interactive Fiction games like Zork. Eric built this system by porting the Frotz Z-Machine port which is an interpreter for all…

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Raspberry Pi project ideas: increase your productivity

pomodoro timer raspberry pi projects

There are too many distractions out there and sometimes I wonder if what I need is a Pomodoro timer. No matter what – I know that what I really need are more Raspberry Pi project ideas! In this article, I will examine the different approaches to building a Pomodoro timer with the Raspberry Pi and…

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Coolers, Calculators, and Trackers: Raspberry Pi project ideas

Raspberry Pi project ideas: Whisky flask cooler, mechanical calculator, solar system tracker

Here are some fantastic Raspberry Pi project ideas! Whisky Flask Cooler What happens if you can’t get a heat sink in time for your project, but want to start immediately? How about liquid-cooling? A guy named Joel posted this cooling solution with the Raspberry Pi 4. According to Joel’s blog, he started using his Raspberry…

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Lego Submarine & Camera: Raspberry Pi Projects

raspberry pi submarine and camera

Boy, oh, boy do we have some interesting Raspberry Pi projects this week. The first project is a radio-controlled submarine that can sink, surface, turn and move. At the heart of the submarine is a Raspberry Pi Zero 2. The second project is a “Pieca” camera, named after a Leica camera. The key similarity between…

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Create a Wi-Fi Doorbell with a Raspberry Pi Pico W

Raspberry Pi Pico W projects WiFi doorbell and notification

Here’s a simple but practical tutorial that helps you understand how to trigger an email to send (or a notification to appear on your phone) when a button connected to the Raspberry Pi Pico W is pressed. Thus, you can use your Pico W as a Wi-Fi doorbell! Through this project, you will learn how…

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Raspberry Pi project ideas: One key custom keyboard

raspberry pi pico projects button

The one-key keyboard is one of my favorite Raspberry Pi keyboard projects. After all, sometimes your computer needs just one button to activate a specific action. If you are transcribing an audio recording, you might want one button to rewind the track three seconds. If you are picky about your music, you might want a…

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Raspberry Pi project ideas: e-ink calendar and clock

Raspberry Pi projects eink calendar and clock

Today, we’re taking a look at two really brilliant Raspberry Pi projects – an e-ink calendar and an e-ink clock! E-paper calendar Reddit user Beaverknighterino said he was “fascinated with E-paper projects so I finally decided to make one for my work calendar.” The materials Beaverknighterino used are as such: Beaverknighterino mentioned that the project…

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Nobody asked for these, Pi fans did it anyway

raspberry pi projects jukebox portable raspberry pi smile detector

In this article, we’re looking at some fantastic Raspberry Pi projects – a smile detector, a jukebox, and a cyberdeck to master Python! Nobody asked for these, but we Raspberry Pi fans just built it anyway. Smile detector A smile detector for anyone who has asked me to smile more ⚡😊 pic.twitter.com/IFgIks0rkU — lee cyborg…

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Build a Virtual Reality Glove

VR Glove

If you want to learn more about VR than this is the coolest project that you will find. In this article, we will show you how to build a programmable Virtual Reality Glove. The glove is based on a Raspberry Pi Pico, a MCP3008 ADC and five flex sensors that you can even build yourself!…

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Raspberry Pi projects: Modern solutions require more modern solutions!

modern solutions require modern solutions

This week, we’re bringing you some very modern Raspberry Pi projects! Ever seen the meme that goes like “Modern problems require modern solutions?” Well, what happens if your modern solutions create some modern problems? Well then, you need a modern solution. Hence, modern solutions require modern solutions. Sometimes, though, these problems are so minor that…

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