Use a Raspberry Pi & BME688 to Measure Indoor Air Quality

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Whether at home or in the office, your indoor air quality can affect your productivity. By attaching a BME688 sensor board to your Raspberry Pi, you can monitor your indoor air quality with ease! If you’re not familiar with the BME688 sensor board, allow to me to start off with a brief description. The BME688…

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The Best Raspberry Pi Projects of November 2023

Raspberry Pi Projects November 2023 Title Image

We’ve written about a number of Raspberry Pi Projects in November 2023. So if you missed them, here’s your opportunity to catch up! Unofficial Compute Module 5 If you’re like me, then when they announced Raspberry Pi 5, then you were probably wondering – what about other generation 5 products? What about a Compute Module…

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Exploring MicroLua: Lua Programming for RP2040

Exploring MicroLua for the RP2040 Title Image

Have you ever wanted to delve into the world of Lua programming and explore the capabilities of the RP2040 microcontroller? Look no further – MicroLua offers an exciting opportunity to do just that! In this article, I want to dive into what MicroLua is, how it works, and why I think it’s a super valuable…

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The Best Raspberry Pi Projects of October 2023

Raspberry Pi Projects October 2023

We’ve written about a number of Raspberry Pi Projects in October 2023. So if you missed them, here’s your opportunity to catch up! A Raspberry Pi Retro Newsfeed If you’re like me, you might have what a doctor could certifiably diagnose as a news addiction. Well then this project is a way to satisfy that…

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Paragon Project: Pico Air Quality Monitor

Pico Air Quality Monitor Title Image

Want to monitor the air quality in your home or city? Then this is the ideal project for you! It’s a straightforward and simple air quality monitor with a Raspberry Pi Pico! This great little project was put together by Yakroo and shared on Before I tell you all about it though, I do…

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Paragon Project: Linux Handheld Terminal

Linux Handheld Terminal Title Image

In our Paragon Projects series, we highlight the coolest projects that we find. This Linux Handheld Terminal though fits into a very special genre. It’s a tool that can help you develop even more awesome projects. It was put together by Balazs, who then published the details over at Hackaday and made the whole thing…

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Paragon Project: Retro Newsfeed

Raspberry Pi Retro Newsfeed Title Image

I’m always on the look-out for awesome Raspberry Pi projects to share with you. And today I’m super excited to tell you about this Raspberry Pi Retro Newsfeed. This project was put together by Jeff Jetton and you can find the details on the GitHub repository. It’s also a project that is already a few…

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Paragon Project: The 8-Bit Keyboard

The 8-Bit Keyboard Title Image

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Work smarter, not harder.” But if you’re an electronics enthusiast, then you know that we all live by the phrase, “Work harder if it’s more fun.” With that in mind, this project is endless fun – it’s an 8-Bit Keyboard. Masaya Hanaka, who goes by the name HIGEDARUMA on Hackaday,…

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Paragon Project: Pico Clock

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Looking to build yourself a clock for your desk? This is a super stylish clock made with a Raspberry Pi Pico. It can also serve as a sleek alarm clock for your nightstand. Posted on Reddit by EnviousMedia and on GitHub here, they’ve called it Env-OpenClock. They’ve managed to put it together using inexpensive hardware.…

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