Win a FREE Raspberry Pi 5

Excited about the Raspberry Pi 5? Want to start messing around with one today? Want to get one for free? Then participate in the PiCockpit Raspberry Pi 5 Contest and win a free Raspberry Pi 5!
What’s the Craziest Thing to Do with a Raspberry Pi 5?
We know how frustrating it is to have to wait until October 23rd for a Raspberry Pi 5.
So we wanted to make it possible for you to play around with one as soon as possible.
So we’ve set up a contest: What’s the craziest thing you can come up with for Raspberry Pi 5?

Provided your idea doesn’t destroy it, you can send us your idea and we’ll enact it on ours – and write an article about it!
We’ll announce the winner here and on on October 23rd.
The winning idea (determined by us) will win a full Raspberry Pi 5 kit – including with a 27W USB-C Power Delivery (PD) Power Supply, a Raspberry Pi 5 case, an SD card, and a Raspberry Pi 5. All with free shipping within the EU.
The runner-up will win a Raspberry Pi 5 with free shipping within the EU.
So be sure to send in your ideas – you can comment below!
Let Us Know!
You can also tell us not-so-crazy things that you’d like check out with Raspberry Pi 5 and we can do them for you!
And if you want to stay up-to-date with news, then you should sign up for our Newsletter at the top right of the page. We’ll be updating it throughout the next month with updates on the contest as well!
Not interested in “The Craziest Thing” preferring projects that are “the most useful thing”.
I would like to build a system with at least two Sameras to observe – in this case Birds.
hen connecting to to AI for identification of the Birds.
One Pi5 which replace 4 Other PIs
On the New Pi could be an Server OS
this Server will haver several Virtual Machines like:
– Homeassistant
– Klipper for 3D Printer
– One Desktop Debian for small applications
– One Image with BackUp Tools to mirror hard disks
and so on…
One Pi5 for All the stuff….
I would like to make a file converter server since I dont want my personal files being uploaded to the cloud JUST to convert its file type!
Build an AI-powered security system that includes face recognition, motion detection, and even anomaly detection using the Raspberry Pi 5. With the advanced processing speed, it can stream and analyze multiple camera feeds, store data, and even trigger alerts based on AI-driven decisions.
Send me one and i will make the system 😉
A real time HD video synth which takes HDMI input and alters it in Processing (or similar – perhaps a game engine to show off the new GPU) using either midi controls or the GPIO. Output to both HDMI outs, one for preview or current state of controls and the other is result.
How about trying to overclock the Pi 5 to extreme levels? Using liquid nitrogen cooling?
I believe some people have used AI to turn wifi routers into cameras that can see through walls. it may be a stupid idea, but maybe a raspberry pi could take this idea and make it portable
que tal construção de um Mini foguete com raspberry pi 5 para ser usado como o controlador giroscópio e como propelente sólido açúcar e nitrato de potássio
Wir bauen gerade eine Bildungsstätten, die von ihnen komplett eine Raumschiff für bis zu ca. 80 Personen Besatzung darstellt. Alle Terminals, Displays und Steuerungen sowie aller Sound und Lichttechnik ist mit Raspberry Pis verwirklicht worden. Vor allem 3er, Picos und ein paar 4er. Vor allem die rechen hungrigen Anwendung stoßen leider an ihre Grenzen. So war es uns bisher noch nicht möglich einen Hauptscreen zu realisieren auch live Video vom umgebenden All können nur getrickst, vor gerendert oder als Standbild dargestellt werden. Ein 5er wär an dieser Position sicher sehr hilfreich und wir müssten nicht mehr auf ein Notdürftig abgetarntes Notebook zurück greifen, das wieder eigene Software und Hardware Beschränkungen mitbringen kann.
Gruß vom Waldritter e.V.
2 Vorschläge:
1. Zu Land, zu Luft, zu Wasser 😉
Wie wäre es mit einem RC Fahrzeug (fliegendes Amphibienfahrzeug) dessen Steuerung, Kamera, … usw. über den Pi läuft und sich per WLAN mit der Smartphone steuern lässt.
2. Das gute alte analoge (halb ele.) Ergometer mit dem Raspi ins digital Zeitalter holen. Mit GPS Koordinaten und Videosyncron gesteuertem Widerstand und Display was Video selbst abgefahrener Strecken anzeigt.
Brilliant idea, Henry – we’ll got on this immediately!
I’ve popped an idea in, but it doesn’t seem to have posted. is there a character limit? 🙂
not really crazy, but i’m interested in how underclocking would affect the performance.
Να ενσωματωθεί το raspberry pi στον βιντεοπροβολεα διαδραστικού πίνακα ή στη νέα διαδραστική οθόνη που χρησιμοποιούμε στις σχολικές τάξεις, ώστε να γίνουν smart. Έτσι οι καθηγητές θα έχουν μόνο ένα πληκτρολόγιο και ένα ποντικι πάνω στην έδρα, γλιτώνοντας το κόστος ενός υπολογιστή, τον χώρο που καταλάμβανε πάνω στην έδρα και την καλωδίωση μέχρι τον πίνακα.
You could send your Pi 5 into near-space attached to a weather balloon. Be sure to fit GPS, a camera module and some Lego figures. Record the whole journey and once it returns to earth (hopefully on land) have it audibly request to anyone nearby to be returned by post. You can then analyse how well it operated at different heights, the temperature changes, which route the balloon took, and all the forces it felt throughout.
Ich hätte gern ein NAS gesehen, das mit vielen Zusatztools, wie Bild Sortierung mit Erkennung von Gesichtern und Gegenständen (virtuelle Ordner und Exif Beschriftung). Vielleicht mit zu Hilfenahme von Coral TPU USB. Dokumenten Scanner Empfänger mit Wegsortieren und OCR. Und Time Machine.
could turn it into a satellite/weather monitor that displays funny led images for rain, sunshine, clouds, or to alert you when a satellite you’ve been tracking vibes into range.
I would like to make a huge cluster that is liquid cooled. using the heat from the liquid to heat a home or something else.
could turn it into a weather/satellite tracker which displays graphics for different types of weather or notifies you when a satellite you’ve been tracking comes into range. could send also communicate with another pi or arduino which controls a plant box to water the plants if it’s going to be dry and covers them in shade if it’s too sunny. If it’s tracking a satellite it can notify you on your phone or main workstation and play a song on a buzzer.
automated spaghetti machine
automated spaghetti maker that uses ai to determine when you will want spaghetti the most
automatic spaghetti machine that uses chat gpt to determine if you want pasta on certain times
Make a “Pick & Pull” machine to desolder electronic components.
well… One of friends once used a Raspberry Pi 3 to take a highspeed timed picture of an element passing by on a conveyor belt.
The picture was crystal clear because the Raspberry controlled the shutter speed of the camera and was timed to the conveyor belt using laser beams.
The picture of the subject was then used by another computer to do a visual quality control that in turn told the conveyor belt to forward if quality control was good or discard it if it was bad.
I guess the Raspberry Pi 5 can do it all in one go? 🙂
How about going old-school and running Crysis on each core? Have powered USB hubs with gaming equipment, gaming chair with powered speakers or Bluetooth surround sound, multiple displays, and a webserver updating system stats to Twitter (er, ‘X’) and Facebook.
i’m currently playing around with a raspi4 as a linuxCNC host. my experience with throwing an rt kernel at it has not been that great – i get good jitter, but my (old) laptops with regular kernels still get better max latencies with a non-preemptive kernel. jitter is worse, though.
the higher clock speed on a raspi5 may make make it a better candidate for rt applications. add the gpio and lower price on top – voilà: amazing cnc controller!
try running as many Minecraft servers as possible on one PI before it crashes
Just wanted to run an emulator with 2tb of roms with the new pi. I own a 3b now and while it runs ok it still is limited.
Using the pi 5 as a modem and router for the house
Use the pi5 as a modem and router for the house
What about a Kubernetes k3s cluster with 2.5 gigabit Ethernet from the pi 5’s PCI e adapters locally hosting a text generative ai such as llama or alpaca, or stable diffusion 2 with CPU only processing, all liquid cooled maybe even to sub zero temperatures, or submerged in mineral oil?
Would love to pair an RC Boat, a VR Headset, and a bunch of Cameras to create a Remote 360 Helmet Display Experience while exploring Swamps and Canals.
Stworzenie niezależnego servwera aprs monitorującego poprzez rtlsdr balony stratygraficzne
autonomous robot arm with computer vision to remove complete prints from my 3d.printer
can it run portal using x86 emulation similar to how people got it to run on the rock5b?
what about loading computational expensive task with enclosure made of aluminium that also acts as heatsink for pi.
I’ve always wanted to build a physical game you can play against a computer on. like a game of Air hockey, hungry-hungry hippos, or maybe even chess. it would involve some Vision system and a bit of controls either with a robotic arm, actuators, or a servo or two. but, the new raspberry pi 5 looks to have more than enough horsepower under the hood to handle it now.
I would love to see how well Windows 10 or 11 works on it, if at all. See what games are playable on it. Games like Minecraft Java? Try overclocking to extreme levels.
I use a Pi4 to track the ADSB and MLAT signals from aircraft, and upload the data to 4 different flight tracking sites. I usually process and relay over 1½ million messages/day from aircraft within a 250 mile radius. I imagine upgrading to a Pi5 would make that process much more efficient…
How about trying to run mac os on it 🤔.
How about trying to run mac os on the Pi 5 by making it some sort of hackintosh.🤔
How about trying to run mac os on the Pi 5 by making it some sort of hackintosh.🤔
I want to do Handheld terminal like this one
but full Ubuntu is installed
I’m removing my enterprise servers from my home lab, and replacing them with Raspberry Pis. I’m starting off with my active directory infrastructure using Samba 4.x on 2 Pi’s for redundancy.
I don’t have virtualisation, although I’ve run that in commercial environments before.
Trying to keep things simple.
I’d love a Pi 5 to put my WordPress instance on.
Build a IoT hub for my car that connects to it via CAN bus to monitor car data, beef up the Pi with sensors to provide extra data to make the car safer, and have a super cool driving experience; connect to cloud services to provide and receive extra content; of course adding external storage to make the car a personal cloud/media/entertainment hub (it can serve as a NAS). use one HDMI output for the user screen (interface)/media playing, etc. and use the other with a pico projector to give AR and windshield HUD.
Perhaps building a cluster of Pis that may be plugged into the car hub to provide extra muscle for ML functions.
create an ammo reloading press monitoring system with gui and dual cam feeds to watch primers and case powder. AI would be a cool feature for alarms powder in cases. then sensors for primers and case feeders. buzzers to keep primers and powder feeding reliable. round counting would be the finishing touch.
Create a fun and innovative cocktail-making robot using the Raspberry Pi 5. This robot doesn’t just pour drinks; it’s smart! It can listen to your drink order and even make custom cocktails just the way you like them. It’s like having your personal bartender at home, but it’s a friendly robot!”
since RPI 5 got a CPU/GPU upgrade and increased connection speed I can finaly do my crazy (smart home / home NAS/ home server / home work station ) all in one combo project.
It all started as a hobby of creating things I might need. when I bought RPI 2 at a time I thought it offered so much unfortunately overclocked pi 2 was not enough to handle servers at least not in a way I wanted it to be. NAS worked fine but not greate due to connection speed and CPU limitations so I moved on to RPI 4 with 8 gigs of ram this made my life so much better. I could finaly get my NAS to work the way I want to plus use it as a home entertainment from time to time but even with 2.2 GHz OC on that sweet credit card monster I can do only so much as this toasty CPU can give so finaly time has come for more powerfull brother to step up and Cary the load of my old pi4 giving it a greate retirement as a retro console for my kids as I make my self a new friend to tinker with 🙂
**Crazy Bartender, with AI based mixing**
Create a fun and innovative cocktail-making robot using the Raspberry Pi 5. This robot doesn’t just pour drinks; it’s smart! It can listen to your drink order and even make custom cocktails just the way you like them. It’s like having your personal bartender at home, but it’s a friendly robot!”
A portable AI driven PDA.
voice to text and text to voice with touch screen and battery powered.
Smart Fridge DJ: Transform your refrigerator into a DJ that plays tunes based on the food inside. Raspberry Pi 5 can identify items through image recognition and suggest songs related to the ingredients. Make breakfast preparation a dance party!
Turn the raspberry pi into a camera that can see through walls
Now that raspb has a better much more capable processor, maybe we could finally develop proper graphics-accelerator support for it. Perhaps even combine it with a camera by populating the csi port and using it for all sorts of recognition projects or anything that requires real-time footage analysis.
Or just a very compact mini home theater setup 😜
Well, the craziest thing I can think of is:
1)get a bunch or raspberries
2)program each one to act as a simple, 3-pin transistor via the GPIO.
3)hook them up together and create the least efficient logic gate known to man
Sounds stupid, and it is, but that’s something you can’t really do with a normal computer!
penso em construir um tv Box com Android tv turbinado com 5 entradas hdmi e recptor tv digital controladas por software e dualboot para seleção entre botocera e o Android tv. Projeto para público alvo que não tem tv smart ou a TV smart fraca
Smart Fridge DJ. Transform your refrigerator into a DJ that plays tunes based on the food inside. Raspberry Pi 5 can identify items through image recognition and suggest songs related to the ingredients. Make breakfast preparation a dance party!
since the drawing is 10 days after my birthday, I would literally design an entire automated dj and light show to have the best birthday party ever. and why not after the dancing, we can just swap out the sd card into a different operating system to have a retro game tournament that the raspberry pi can run the brackets for! :3 why not just automate a birthday party?!
“Raspberry Pi Ghost Pianist”
Imagine creating a system that allows a Raspberry Pi to control a piano automatically, as if it were played by an invisible pianist. Here’s how you could do it:
Electric Piano: Purchase or use an electric piano or MIDI keyboard that can be controlled by a Raspberry Pi.
Robotic Fingers: Build a robotic system with mechanical fingers that can independently press the piano keys, controlled by the Raspberry Pi.
Musical Detection: Use music recognition software and sheet music analysis to enable the Raspberry Pi to “listen” to a variety of musical pieces.
Musical Compositions: Create original musical compositions or arrangements of existing songs that can be automatically played on the piano.
Interactive Performance: Organize shows where the audience can “see” the piano playing by itself, as if guided by an invisible pianist.
Style Variations: Implement the ability to change the piano’s playing style, making it appear as though it’s played by different imaginary pianists with different styles (classical, jazz, pop, etc.).
Lights and Special Effects: Add lights and special effects that activate during the performance to create a unique visual experience.
Remote Control: Allow the audience to remotely control the “ghost” piano from a mobile app or website so they can request specific songs or change how the music is played.
This project could be an extraordinary public performance and a unique entertainment experience. Of course, it’s essential to ensure that the piano and mechanical hands are safe and do not damage the real piano.
criar um servidor de videochamadas
Eine VR-Brille wäre doch Mal spannende Idee.
die grössere Rechenpower könnte für eine kleine KI reichen, so dass ein Rasenroboter durch eine Kamera einen Igel erkennt und umfährt.
Θα μπορούσαμε να φτιάξουμε έναν πύραυλο που να εκτοξεύεται στο διάστημα και να παρακολουθεί τη ρύπανση και να ελέγχει όλους μας
Πύραυλος που γίνεται δορυφόρος στη γη με χρήση Raspberry Pi ως διαστημικός σταθμός
ich habe. ein mittleres Gewerbe und würde gerne alle Geräte (viele davon smart) miteinander kombinieren, um eine Vollautomatisierung zu machen Geräte sind u.a. mehrer PCs, inkl Drucker und Scanner, Überwachungskamera, Türsensorik, Saugroboter, Heizung und Waschmaschine …
Die Idee ist sicherlich global gesehen nicht revolutionär. Für mich aber schon 😁
Ein Pi 5 wäre da genau das Richtige.
Run a addressable LED sign with live video.
Wie währe es mit einem RAM Upgrade auf 32gb wie beim orange pi und ein Vergleich der Performance der beiden.
αυτόματο πότισμα με χρήση ηλεκτροβανας και αισθητήρων υγρασίας (αέρος και χώματος)
Making a CubeSat with it and sending it to space.
Making a pitboy that has an atomic clock.
Or connecting a 4090 to it.
Strap a battery to the pi and turn it into a portable retro gaming station, or Kodi box for travelling.
playing TF2 on a raspi 5 outside on the grass without a case on a projector projecting to the side of the large building.
making a digital guitar pedalboard
I think that with the new processor in the Raspberry Pi 5, we can do more complex tasks. For example, we could create a super complex AI bot that can connect to the internet and take voice commands as input from the microphone. It could then provide an appropriate answer to the command, such as turning off a lamp or writing a poem on a random topic. We could use LLM models(some LLM models provide free access to their APIs) to provide a response to the user, and we could also connect a speaker to the raspberry pi 5 so that we can hear its response.
run a Script at login that will prompt how smooth pi runs and how long it took to Boot. then it will place a Copy of itself in Boot folder and reboot the pi as long as it has enough capacity for next Boot. else it will prompt that you should buy another device and Cluster the system to go on together with a Manual how to accomplish clustering
A bird feeder that uses a camera to detect and record individual birds.
criar um Mini foguete com raspberry pi 5 e usar combustível sólido para isso nitrato de potássio e açúcar para servir de oxigenação para o nitrato de potássio e o raspberry pi 5 funcionará como o controlador de direção por um programa de controle de direção remoto pelo celular
que tal montar um foguete com raspberry pi 5 com placa giroscópio e um programa de cordenação de direção o combustível sólido será de açúcar e nitrato de potássio
Einen 32gb RAM einbauen wie beim orange pi 5, und gerne paar test’s vs zum Release Model.
Fish-Controlled TV Channel Surfer
Let your pet fish decide what you’re watching tonight.
1.) Set up a camera above your fish tank connected to the pi.
2.) Segment the tank into zones, each corresponding to a TV channel.
3.) Train an object detection model on your fish.
4.) The Raspberry Pi detects where the fish is swimming and changes the channel accordingly via infrared.
Maybe fish like soap operas?
Extension for making the project really crazy:
A mechanism similar to that of an electric eel to deliver a painful electric shock to the fish and urge it into the desired section when manually switching.
……windows x64 on a PC?
….. i overclocked a raspberry pi400 to 2000 GHZ with a SSD using TWISTER OS.
either i did lay down the SSD to hard or the 2000GHZ used the SSD to fast.
So, my SSD 256GB was broken. I will try to repair it again.
Does anyboday have made same experiences?
personally, I’ve built a display screen running magic mirror for camera feeds photos etc. then pi-hole, plex and transmission in the background. a pi3 is a little underpowered for this so the plan is to upgrade to a pi5.
You can try to create a smart home with an offline voice assistant – more power should allow to run smoother and faster
i’m working on conceptualizing a human companion bot with autonomous indoor navigation, pick and place, object and obstacle detection and a slew of fun features to interact with humans.
embed as many micro cameras and micro led pixels (latest are about .7mm for both) side by side, diagonally, in a large flexible screen, shaped to a large tube. have the Pi 5 running the input and output via distribution boards. if big enough a person could go in the tube and effectively be invisible, if the cameras are linked to their opposing pixel…and display that micro feed.
anyone walking around the tube might see a changing view according to their position…🤷🏼🤷🏼
Image Classification of a different categories of fishes and detect and identify the desease of fishes
image Classification and detection of different kind of species of fishes
Τι θα λέγατε να φτιάχνατε ένα local repo το οποίο θα ξεκινούσε μια κοινότητα ανάπτυξης λογισμικού πανω σε rpi με PBLs (Gamification points,budges,leaderboards) καθε βδομάδα/μηνα/ετοςγια τον καλύτερο της κοινότητας?
one robot με 2 raspberry Pi-5 one for move and one for Ai
a complete grow system including temperature, humidity sensors, moisture sensors, control peristaltic pumps for nutrition delivery, water pump control for continuous liquid movement, light cycle control with the onboard RTC, water heater control and water temperature sensor and fully customized touch screen interface for monitoring and tweaking settings. automatic script to run interface
indoor gardening or greenhouse system with simple tweaks to adjust for either growth in dirt or other substrate or in DWC.
Configure a Raspberry Pi 5 to be passively cooled using a relatively small passive cooling setup and run ESXi Arm Edition with multiple VMs including Home Assistant, ownCloud, a media server, web server, and maybe something more if possible?
Es un meme, pero estaría muy guapo verlo, ejecutar y jugar crysis, quitando todo lo “innecesario” para que corra por lo menos a 30fps estables ( 60 seria la gloria )
set it up as an NVR and see how many IP cameras you can record simultaneously through it onto attached drive via usb 3.0.
I’d use a raspberry pi 5 to emulate a raspberry pi 1. Or, even better, use a pi 5 to emulate a pi 4 to emulate a pi 3 … I think you get the picture! It’s pis all the way down
Mobile phone signal/wifi jammer would be cool, take it with you on the tram and get some respite from the “shouting and speakerphone at max volume”-ers 😆
to monitor and graph a fermenting beer over time and know when it’s ready.
Use the raspberry pi to detect vibrations on the floor above you. Have the Raspberry Pi mimic loud sounds by hooking up a solenoid to the ceiling to hit it back.
this may or may not be inspired by my awful upstairs neighbors
How about using the pi to restore a iMac G3 or G4? But going all out making a retro computer into something desirable today. Now that it is two to three times faster and more powerful it’s time to see if you can make the ultimate retro desktop. You could even attempt to play some of the popular games at the time!
i would build a small raptor with hands that brings me a drink refill on a timer
I would love to see how Windows 10 or 11 would run on this new Pi through the WOR Project. Possibly install it on a NVMe drive using the new PCIe interface, when the boards and adapters eventually come out.
I also want to see how far I can Overclock it. I know people have got it up to 3 GHz. But I want to know if I could take it farther with just the standard active cooling for the Pi 5.
build a retro mini console with batocera software on 1tb micro sd card and 4tb ssd hard drive with all the games.
for the new raspberry pi 5
i would build a small raptor-robot-thing withhuman hands that refills my drinks on a timer
how about put pi5 monitor and record data of wind by employing anemometer and temperature sensor in surround area , so will able to understand wether and climate of that region with limited data and understanding what all factors might effect the weather by constantly recoding wind speed and direction by wind wane as well, so it’s to observe and keep raspberry Pi5 for weeks or months to see repeated pattrens even a year to make a proper observation about recurring events in wether changes and how it will affect surroundings and even we might learn to predict upcoming wether change , this is my idea.
Title; “Building a Network of Raspberry Pi 5 Weather Balloons”
Imagine creating a network of weather balloons powered by Raspberry Pi 5. This network would provide real time weather data, from altitudes and locations offering both eco friendly benefits.
Multiple Raspberry Pi 5 units for each balloon
GPS modules for location tracking
Weather sensors to measure temperature, humidity, pressure, etc.
High altitude helium balloons
LoRa or satellite communication modules
Custom designed lightweight weatherproof cases
Project Details;
1. Set up. Configure Raspberry Pi 5 units with GPS modules and weather sensors.
2. Attach the Raspberry Pi units to high altitude helium balloons ensuring they are protected by custom designed cases against inclement weather conditions.
3. Launch the weather balloons from locations within the EU while equipping them with LoRa or satellite communication modules to transmit data.
4. As the balloons ascend through altitudes the Raspberry Pi units on each balloon will collect real time weather data allowing for study of atmospheric conditions at various levels.
5. Aggregate all data, from the balloons onto a Raspberry Pi 5 located on the ground.
Lets create a web interface thats easy for users to navigate. This interface will display real time data, on temperature, humidity, pressure and altitude. We can then share this weather data with institutions, meteorological organizations and the general public.
Here are some benefits of implementing this project;
Educational; By providing access to weather data we can encourage students and enthusiasts to learn more about weather phenomena, atmospheric conditions and data analysis.
Environmental; Collecting this data will give us insights into conditions. It could even contribute to climate research efforts.
Technological; This project will showcase the capabilities of the Raspberry Pi 5 for collecting and communicating data in environments.
Community Engagement; Sharing real time weather information with the public will enable better weather predictions and preparedness.
To evaluate the success of this project we’ll consider criteria;
Creativity and Innovation; The concept of using a Raspberry Pi 5 powered weather balloon network is unique and exciting.
Educational Value; The potential for learning opportunities and educational outreach is significant.
Technological Complexity; Implementing this project requires a level of skill.
Environmental Impact; The project has the potential to contribute to environmental or scientific research.
This project not demonstrates the power and versatility of the Raspberry Pi 5. Also actively involves communities in monitoring their environment while fostering educational initiatives. It’s an idea that aligns perfectly with the Raspberry Pi communitys ethos. As such it has potential as a contender, in the contest.
Increasing the clock rate causes the component to run at a higher speed and perform more operations per second.
To using the rpi 5 like a normal computer for everyday use at least 7 day.
Set it up to be a integrated car display, entertainment and control for remote lock, start, etc
I want to build a nanodlp rig with an integral 3D object editor.
Sending the raspberry pi 5 powered submarine to the deepest parts of the ocean , or maybe making a 24/7 weather station powered by extreme overclocked and nitrogen cooled Raspberry pi.
How about turning it into a portable AI-powered plant whisperer? It can analyze soil, sunlight, and humidity to give personalized pep talks to your plants.
How about connecting an insane amount of storage (50+ TB) via PCIe with an overclocked Pi, all submerged in mineral oil?
You could turn it into a portable AI-powered pet translator—talk to your pets and decode their secret language.
Transform it into a voice-controlled smart mirror that gives compliments when you look into it… Just like a magic mirror in movies.
It would be really cool to have a small Linux box that you could carry around and connect to with your phone (perhaps have some sort of VNC server on the Raspberry Pi as well as having it set as a wifi hotspot).
It would require a dedicated battery though, as most likely a phone wouldn’t provide enough current to power a Raspberry Pi.
That might be an interesting thing to do though! (achieve powering up a raspberry pi from an Android phone through reverse charging and maybe some additional circuitry)
replace the memory chips with equal, higher capacity modules
home automation and desktop at a time
Eine Wasserkühlung anbauen
My local library offers all kinds of electronic content — as long as you log into its Wifi. If I had the time, I’d go there every day to get my daily fix of e-content. A lucky friend, who lives opposite to the library, can get Wifi from there. I’d like to put a RPi5 Wireguard server at his place that taps into the library’s Wifi and tunnels back to my place over his own Internet, so that it appears like I’ve taken up permanent residence in the library.
You should try getting a case, a touch screen, a phone aerial, battery and android and making a phone!
Challenge: Make your Raspberry Pi 5 use the least amount of power possible while running a minimal web server.
Use a pi 5 to setup a home network, to which every bell is connected to, as well as a front door camera. An Audio system then welcomes the guest by their name (via AI interpretation of camera footage). The speaker also announces “achievements”, like ringing 20 times, or saying happy birthday.
Also, adding “relationships” to the system, e.g., joking around with people you want to joke around with, saying they are at the wrong address, or they cant enter because its out of business hours.
using pi5 we program it and set a digital screen to make a Ai pc
I’d like to see a solar powered blimp which takes images of the ground (obviously within legal limits of a region) and runs a simple web server to stream the images live on the internet, either via some sort of satellite or mobile network connection, dependant on the technical requirements of such networks at altitude.
The direction should be determined in real-time by public vote via the website (within predefined geographic limits to ensure no local laws are breached).
This would require to be deployed in some large public space with no private properties secretive buildings or flights paths, perhaps like a national park or something like that.
Spot on with this write-up, I honestly believe that this amazing site needs much more attention. I’ll probably be returning to read through more,
thanks for the information!
Use it as a base for a car infotainment system 😄
I wanted to submit you guys my idea over the contact tab on your website, but I just get a error message. How could I send you my full idea? Or should I just post it here to participate?
Cheers Marvin
I wanted to submit my idea via the contact tab on the website but it just responses with an error. How should I submit my idea to participate?
Cheers Marvin
I have trouble to send you guys my idea for the competion, the contact form and the commentary section aren’t working (?)
How about connecting an insane amount of storage (50+ TB) via NVMe on an overclocked Pi, all submerged in mineral oil?
How about connecting an insane amount of storage (50+ TB) via NVMe on an overclocked Pi, all submerged in mineral oil? (sorry if this appears multiple times, i’ve been repeatedly trying to comment this to no avail)
How about connecting an insane amount of storage (50+ TB) via NVMe on an overclocked Pi, all submerged in mineral oil? (attempt 3 of posting this)
2 Ideen:
Zu Lande, zu Wasser, zu Luft -> RC Amphibienfahrzeug mi Steuerung über den RPi steuern mit Kamera, Autonom, …
Ein altes halb elektrisches Ergometer flott für den Winter machen, mit RPi gesteuertem Widerstand anhand der Steigung von geladen GPS-Daten und ein Display was eine zuvor aufgenommen Strecke, passend zu den GPS-Daten, anzeigt.
I would probably replace my 4x Raspberry Pi 3 docker hosts with this 1 Pi at the same wattage for my Low Power Home Lab
With 2 times (or even more) the performance compared to it’s older sibling the raspberry pi4, it’s now an even better platform for emulation specially arcade.
the idea is to build a custom wide arcade inspired cabinet with 4 seats that could run anything up the sega dreamcast and maybe some ps2 games.
using a extended antenna it’ll have great wifi and bluetooth range for wireless controllers
using a usb hub and extended usb cabling every seat would get a usb port for a arcade/fight stick.
the pi5 should easily upscale any emulator to 1080p if not render it natively so I’m thinking a 40 to 50 inch 1080p tv as a display will deliver a solid experience.
after all that toss in a ups for uninterrupted power, a few noctua fans for airflow and boom: Pi5 power arcade cabinet.
My idea is to take advantage of the dual camera inputs new to Raspberry Pi 5, to turn your Pi into a portable 3D scanner! An external battery, and dual cameras, mean with the right setup and software you can 3D objects in the world around you. With the new RTC able to accurately timestamp when you scanned each object, you could even create a Pokédex-esque application for 3D scanning bugs and wildlife with your family. Great educational potential. and could even overlay fun facts “Live” with AR.
watercooled Raspberry pi
a liquid cooled raspberry pi would be cool!
Testa om det går att emulera Sega Saturn hyfsat än. Om inte, bygg en robotgräsklippare till nästa säsong. Behöver en how-to då min klippare har specialiserat sig på att leta upp stenar istället för att klippa gräs. Och jag har inte gräs nog att skaffa en bättre. 🙂
I’d like to set up a chatbot using gpt 3.5/4 trained to be a patient in anamnesis interview. I would like to use it in a course about communications for occupational therapists in training which I am preparing at the moment. The trainees could then try there communications techniques with the bot and discuss there findings with the class. There are 50 students using the bot at the same time. I would try to use the raspberry for distributing the flask app to the students (if you send me one ;)).
your comments don’t work
With the single lane PCIe 2.0 interface, I’ve wondered if the Pi 5 could become a high end router competitor. Hooked up to a Network Interface Controller, it could theoretically support gigabit networking over four ports. Plus it should have plenty of overhead for a bunch of other services; web server, media server, PiHole, maybe even act as a controller for a cluster.
How about an all-on-one media center with retro gaming on top?
How about connecting PI’s to build a Super Computer(At least simulate one activity)
Kids future. Game as well as development.
Using raspberry pi 5 as a main controller for a old abb production robot arm in my factory for placing components in pcb since our robot’s motherboard is old,slow and not efficient in assembly line also we can add Advanced features like computer vision and trajectory planning. Safety measures and telemetry ensure safe and optimized operations.
Επαυξημένη Πραγματικότητα (AR) Έξυπνος Καθρέφτης με Raspberry Pi:
τα υλικά που χρειάζονται ειναι
Raspberry Pi, οθόνη, διπλής όψης καθρέφτης, κάμερα.
Τοποθετούμε τον καθρέφτη μπροστά από την οθόνη και χρησιμοποιούμε πλατφόρμες όπως το MagicMirror2 .Προσθέτουμε αναγνώριση προσώπου ή χειρονομιών , εμφάνιση ώρας ακομα και εικονικές δοκιμές ρούχων
with the significant processing power of pi5, we can use it to track the International Space Tracker all while replacing it as a gps modem for cars with the help of Chat_gpt and yes to track the location of our kids for security reasons. whoo!! imagine having a pi5 in your car that can track the ISS all the while having a gps and a family friendly location tracker. while having all the power of chatgpt. just can’t wait to do all the crazy stuffs asap..
How about making a ultron from raspberry pi 5 or a pet animal using respberry pi 5. homemade satellite
one request as you add nvme could you please add a way to extend ram size.
Η χρήση εκπαιδευτικού λογισμικού σε συνδυασμό με το ίντερνετ και την αλληλεπίδραση των μαθητών (πχ επιτοπου ψηφοφορια ή αποστολή προτάσεων-σκεψεων μέσω κινητών) ανεβάζει το μάθημα σε άλλο επίπεδο. Για αυτό και οι τάξεις των σχολείων εξοπλίζονται με διαδραστικούς πίνακες ή μεγάλες οθόνες touch που αντικαθιστούν τους παραδοσιακούς πίνακες.
Όμως η χρήση laptop ή pc για την οδήγηση του πίνακα ή της οθονης έχει μεγάλο κόστος, απαιτεί καλωδίωση (ρεύμα, σήμα οθόνης, επικοινωνία μέσω usb) και τρώει χώρο απο την έδρα του καθηγητή.
Προς λύση του ανωτέρω προβλήματος προτείνω τη χρήση ενός raspberry pi 5 με ανοικτό εκπαιδευτικό λογισμικό που θα στηρίζεται στον τοίχο δίπλα στον προβολέα και πάνω στην έδρα θα υπάρχει μόνο ένα ασύρματο πληκτρολόγιο και ένα ποντικι.
Επίσης θα μπορούσε να δημιουργηθεί ένας βιντεοπροβολέας με ενσωματωμένο raspberry, δηλαδή ένας smart διαδραστικός πίνακας. Έτσι δημιουργείται μια φθηνή λύση για τον εξοπλισμό κάθε σχολικής τάξης!
pi’s memory transfer speed isn’t that much but we can use pi as security guy, not for fire wall or openvpn stuff but actual security guard that check your bag for a bomb. it’s safe to apt or flatpak but there is still a chance of getting a malware by installing packages. it could be from github (its safe and open-sourcebut every body don’t go through all stuff) or another. it would add another security layer by actually checking for malicious code or files before it make way to your main pc. unlike others they only warn and block sketchy websites and domain, but it doesn’t make you r safe on github.—>>> after giving command for package installation or download the packages will first route to pi-bahadur(securityguard checking for bomb) and if everything is OK it will send those packages to main pc. it’s just like antivirus but outside of your pc not doing party with chrome (eating resources)
Get ESXi or ProxMox on it to stress test how many VMs it can run, or go even further with docker containers to see how many instances it can run together to kill it
I am REALLY interested in the new capabilities for computer vision.
One of my ideas is to monitor wildlife both diurnal and nocturnal, using the Camera Module 3 and Camera Module 3 NoIR, while using the improved processing power and PCIe connection to run experiments on identifying individuals in the same species.
With the power draw of a Raspberry Pi I can leave it running for a longer period without worrying how I would pay for the electricity costs later on. 🙂
I’ll just love to have one since I have only rpi3 🥲 I love experimenting rpi with different firmware and explore the possibilities.
Hello, can we try pi 5 with android operating system, So that apps will run with help of hardware.
A Server For Hosting Cloud Storage For A Family ?
How about connecting an insane amount of storage (50+ TB) via NVMe on an overclocked Pi, all submerged in mineral oil? (
Έξυπνος Καθρέφτης με Δυνατότητες Επαυξημένης Πραγματικότητας (AR)
Θα έναν έξυπνο καθρέφτη που δεν εμφανίζει μόνο την ώρα, τον καιρό και το ημερολόγιό αλλά θα μπορεί επίσης να επικαλύπτει AR μακιγιάζ στην αντανάκλασή και να προσφέρει εικονικές δοκιμές ρούχων, ή ακόμη και να ζωντανεύει την αντανάκλασή μας
Raspberry Pi
Καθρέφτης δύο όψεων
Κάμερα (Pi Camera Module)
Μικρόφωνο και Ηχείο
Joseph, via e-mail, suggested the following:
My idea is to take advantage of the dual camera inputs new to Raspberry Pi 5, to turn your Pi into a portable 3D scanner! An external battery, and dual cameras, mean with the right setup and software you can 3D scan objects in the world around you. With the new RTC able to accurately timestamp when you scanned each object, you could even create a Pokédex-esque application for 3D scanning bugs and wildlife with your family, with different facts and tidbits of info logged and displayed.
Also, a commenter from Reddit:
Set up tensor flow to watch a screen playing Space Invaders (or other game) on another RPi. Have the Pi 5 control the controller to “watch and win.”
Another e-mail:
Hallo buyzero-Team,
toll mit dem Contest. Hier meine verrückte Idee:Ich würde gern mit dem Pi5 eine automatisierte und auch gesteuerte Pflanzen-Gießen-System bauen.Man könnte natürlich das auch mit anderen Systemen bauen, aber dank PCIe-Schnittstelle von PI5 kann ich mir vorstellen, einfach und mit Strom-Sparen eine kleine Wasser-Pumpe anbinden.Damit wenn man im Urlaub ist, oder einfach nicht zu Hause; dank der RP1-Chip, der die On-Board-Peripheriegeräte steuert, kann man ferngesteuert oder Timer-automatisiert die Pflanzen und Blumen gießen. Alles kann man programmieren oder durch Internet von ferne gesteuert werden und bei Bedarf die Pflanzen mit mehr oder eh weniger Wasser gießen.Ich würde gern so ein Pi5 gewinnen.
Danke und gratuliere für alle Raspberry-Ideen, Contest und Sachen von buyzero.Viele Grüße
Another e-mail, just so these are included:
Hallo pi3g,
Ich würd gern beim Pi 5 Gewinnspiel teilnehmen und deswegen teile ich meine Idee für den Pi 5 mit euch. Ich würde aus dem Pi 5 eine Retro Konsole machen um alte Spiele auf einem Computer mit viel Leistung spielen, die auch klein ist um sie mitzunehmen z.B. in den Urlaub oder bei Freunden. Vielen Dank und benachrichtigt mich wenn ich gewonnen habe.
Liebe Grüße,
Another e-mail:
Hallo pi3g-Team,
Das verückteste habe ich schon gemacht, ich habe schon zweimal, wahrscheinlich AKS erster, einen Pi 3 mit einem Wetterballon in die Stratosphäre geschickt. Die Kameraaufnahmen sind schon nicht schlecht. Die Sensoren haben leider nicht funktioniert und da wären Temperatur, Luftdruck, luftfeuchtigkeit durchaus wünschenswert :smiley:
Fröhlich grüßend
recently I was stranded by the flood in Sikkim, India. There were no internet for 5days. All the fiber connection was down. I want to build a system with raspberry pi 5 to connect directly to satelite using existing LMB of current DTH service. Or I want to host a local communication server in the camps so that people could communicate to each other without the internet.
Rasberry Pi Setup:
-inside an atx case
-custom loop cooling with custom Water block specifically designed for Pi 5
-420mm Radiator for custom water loop (maybe even 2)
-8tb ssd with insane read and write speeds just for the fun of it
-add some antennas with some serious range
All in one Pi 5 Machine:
Have it Emulate retro Games, walkie talkie capabilities, Control remote controlled things etc., Run basic Python 2d games, personal AI powered financial advisor, literally anything you could imagine,
Raspberry Pi 5 setup:
ATX case with 480mm radiator hooked up to a custom liquid cooled pump that goes into a custom made water block specifically made for the Raspberry PI, hooked up with Antennas with some extreme range with 120mm fans all over the case for maximum cooling and for maximum flexibility for overclocking when Liquid nitrogen is not available.
AI powered Financial Advisor, code and play PYTHON games, Control remote controlled things, etc.
My idea would be to use the raspberry pi 5 as a measurement device in a 10-cm diameter hobby rocket payload.
I would like to record the payload’s pressure, altitude, acceleration, and orientation using an altimeter and an IMU as the rocket launches and drifts back down. I would also take advantage of the two camera ports on the pi 5 to take photographs and videos of the rocket’s view during flight.
Extracted from my Email (sorry it’s a bit larger idea ^^):
Dear PiCockpit Team,
I want to submit you my idea for the current competition for the Raspberry Pi 5.
The story behind my idea, my father has a battery electric Skoda Citigo-E and in Germany Balcony solar panels get in trend right now, due to high energy prices. The downside of these panels is, that you don’t have a option to store the excess energy you aren’t using right now and you won’t get any money back if you tunnel it back in the grid.
My approach would be to use a Raspberry to connect to his portable go-e charger Wallbox and control it via the rest API either over the existing Wifi network or with a wired connection to it. So if the sun is shining and the solar panels produce more energy than the dishwasher and the fridge in the kitchen consumes, the wallbox should start the charging process of the electric car. The power consumption of the kitchen is metered over a smart socket which is accessible over the network, e.g. Emporia Vue 2 energy monitor.
This helps to optimize the electricy bill and makes your home a little bit more green. A lever on the raspberry or wallbox gives you the choice to use this optimized charging mode if you don’t need your car right now or you want to charge the car as quick as possible.
One downside of this idea with this balcony solar power plants is, that they will only run on one phase of your houses power infrastructure. The go-e will use all three phases in default configuration, but it’s might possible to select the correct/solar powered one over the REST-API if you want to use the optimized mode.
That’s all about my idea right now. If you want to follow that idea and want to clarify something, just let me know.
Cheers Marvin
well, I haven’t seen some in real life before only on YouTube…so I come to my browser and for Free raspberry pi…and your site pop up.. ready to learn and explore..and I so started to learn Python so hopefully it will be of a great
use to me
Jag skulle gärna vilja vinna en pi5 då arduino IDE 2 inte ville köra så bra på 4 an, jag håller på med ett större projekt med Raspberry pi pico.
Nej jag gillar arduinos C kod och IDE miljö, den är enklare vad jag vet än raspberrys C kod som kräver en del mer när man ska kompilera. Skulle någon ha tips på hur man gör processen enkel, lika enkel som arduino så vill jag byta.
How about taking the pi 5 with 2 (or more) cameras mobile, driving around while the cameras are capturing shapes (mountains, trees, buildings, etc) and then importing them into Minecraft (Doom or other FPS type game engine) to play later? just a crazy idea….
Testing how many nested VMs can Raspberry pi 5 run before getting unusable.
A body tracking machine which precisely track all body movements with a sensor integrated in a human suit and based on that data, AI will make predictions for certain situations. Using this a ultra instinct could be achieved in future but helpful now for collecting some data.
I would use it as a general purpose API device to make allowing all apps to work together out of the box, additionally I would use it to run a home automation system and maybe a node on top. I really want to make use of the extra power for a multitude of tasks not able to achieve with prior models
What if you had a super tricked out roomba style vacuum robot? Some fun features you could add:
– I have always thought it would be cool to have a turntable on a robot vacuum, so we can add that.
– While we’re at it we really should make it a Bluetooth speaker for compatibility.
– The mobility of a robot is suggestive. We could add a shelf on the top and a light sensor of some kind so the robot can host plants and seek out the brightest spot in a tiny apartment for the plants
– Make the pi navigate to a voice command so that the user can enjoy their drink from anywhere in said tiny apartment without having to move.
Alternately, make it an outdoor robot:
– Give it a stick of chalk and enable it to follow lines so that it can draw text out on sidewalks, sketch artwork in vacant parking lots, and power it with an AI image or text creation tool. Keep it fed with a steady supply of chalk, and you could autonomously beautify a small town.
– Make it a wifi extender so you can be connected while working outside far from your router.
para mí lo más loco sería que la raspberry se conecte a la plataforma de mis hijos y no les deje encender la tv hasta que no estén todas acabadas. 🤤
Necesito un centro multimedia/VPN/pihole nuevo
I have an idea…
so most of you probably have seen Rick and Morty.
How about making a slighty bigger version of the butter-bot with a whole set of sentences of the series with a grabbing tool to obviously bring butter or other objects.
With responsiv and AI generated sentences even. And the ability to rebel depending on the request and generated mood.
And to top it off why not making it a smarthome assistent like Siri or alexa with the robot voice and responsive answers.
I’m not sure how the assistent part would work because of the modifying of assistent files and stuff but it would be cool.
Much of this DNA tech was used by NASA on ISS.
Can RPI build a field hospital for public health?
Tanzania has a small airplane assembly company.
Can a small airplane simulator( be used
to train pilots and medical techs to land and take DNA samples,
diagnose cancer and design local treatments using RPI?
I was a US Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV) in Jamaica, WI working on
AIDS/Cancer in the Caribbean. Each cancer can be classified by family?
Africans have different cancer mutations. Europeans have Neanderthal mutations, etc.
My son now develops medical machine learning for Medtronic.
He uses RPI cameras for YOLO image analysis.
I worked on DNA at the US Human Genome Project. DNA tech has become
cheaper but training Africans/PCVs how to use it is still limited. The
National Center for Genomic Resources (NCGR)
( uses a $1000 dollar MinION sequencer
to train students. ( MinION/RPI
can now be used with machine learning to detect antigens for cancer,
alzheimers, etc. Stanford has developed a cheap cancer treatment
matching antigen to cancer.
Can a small airplane simulator( be used
to train pilots and medical techs to land and take DNA samples,
diagnose cancer and design local treatments? Pioreactor/RPI can grow
bacteria to treat cancer. (
Can a small airplane carry batteries to run an RPI based MinION with Pioreactor
bioreactor and connect to DNA machine learning (
model via Starlink? (
Nigeria is developing MAFDA to monitor fruit flies. France MAFDA for ants?
Can Drosophila or Ants detect cancer antigens with MAFDA AI using RPI?
MAFDA machine learning (ML) fruit fly models may be used to detect antigens and
new cancer topical treatments.
Can RPI develop MAFDA Ant?
Can Peace Corps Volunteers be trained in python/DNA to use this RPI tech?
Can RPI build medical machine learning for ICUs and cancer patients?
With RPI Tiny ML from MIT?
I work with students at the NM Supercomputer Challenge.
Many build AI computer models with python/Jupyter Notebooks.
Many NM students need RPI to build linux/python diagnostic skills.
My son built “Puppy Tracker” to show NM students how a veterinary ICU can use AI/YOLO.
He used RPI cameras to collect the vet surgery to train Puppy Tracker AI.
I have been using ChatGPT and Bard to create curriculum in python.
Port UEFI and get Windows on Arm booting on the RPi 5.
Get 2 mecha kits or robot kits and hook up one raspberry pi 4 to one of the mecha kits and an raspberry pi 5 to the other. And let them fight. Who wins is the winner. We could also add a camera to them and let them use recognition software to fight each other which depends on processing power.
Another email came in:
I am a Social Worker and Psychologist and have a dream. I would like to start a RaspberryPi 5 Robot to act as a social companion, emotional support and reminder for lonely elderly people, especially those living with dementia and in social isolation, but also for people who have depression and similar psychosomatic issues. RaspberryPi 5 would fit this project well and is a perfect foundation to use for a social robot. I could install latest Ubuntu, Bot and Robot frameworks to use as a brain for the companion robot. I have a lot of ideas and will use direct users feedback to design, develop and improve the project output. I will soon move to Germany, so this project will be implemented there in English and German languages. Thank you for the consideration of my idea! I look forward to implement this impactful and publicly useful project.
Ich bin Sozialarbeiter und Psychologe und habe einen Traum. Ich möchte einen RaspberryPi 5-Roboter starten, der als sozialer Begleiter, emotionale Unterstützung und Erinnerung für einsame ältere Menschen wirkt, insbesondere für Menschen mit Demenz und sozialer Isolation, aber auch für Menschen mit Depressionen und ähnlichen psychosomatischen Problemen. RaspberryPi 5 würde gut zu diesem Projekt passen und ist eine perfekte Grundlage für einen sozialen Roboter. Ich könnte die neuesten Ubuntu-, Bot- und Robot-Frameworks installieren, um sie als Gehirn für den Begleitroboter zu verwenden. Ich habe viele Ideen und werde das direkte Feedback der Benutzer nutzen, um die Projektergebnisse zu entwerfen, zu entwickeln und zu verbessern. Ich werde bald nach Deutschland ziehen, daher wird dieses Projekt dort in den Sprachen Englisch und Deutsch umgesetzt. Vielen Dank für die Berücksichtigung meiner Idee! Ich freue mich darauf, dieses wirkungsvolle und öffentlich nützliche Projekt umzusetzen.
Collaborative art project? Connect 25x 16×16 NeoPixel panels together to form a 80×80 pixel ‘canvas’ using the Pi GPIO pins, then plug in a USB webcam pointing at it. Install a web server on the Pi and allow users visiting a (or whatever) to colour one pixel of their choice per 30s using a colour palette picker. The webcam can then show the ‘real world’ look of the panel as it changes. You can then have a live, ever-changing ‘artwork’ on your office wall – it’s like the thing they do on Reddit except you can walk up to it and see it.
Alternatively, if you’ve got people who know how to drive a stepper motor, you could let people sketch one line at a time onto a whiteboard with a 2-axis home-made plotter. Users are asked to work towards a target thing (e.g. an apple, a car). Each hour, the canvas is wiped and a new ‘thing’ must be drawn. You could have a gallery of previous attempts…
I want to use it for timetabling and 3d printing.
Setup a NAS
I would build a Raspberry Pi system to initiate your development environment upon entering the office. The system would use a camera to do face scan to recognize the developers.
This innovative approach streamlines your workflow, ensuring that your workspace is ready the moment you arrive.
Moreover, the cost-saving aspect of this setup extends beyond saved time. By starting your development environment automatically, you reduce the risk of unnecessary power consumption when devices are left running idle. This not only lowers your energy bills but also contributes to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly office setup.
It would do the opposite acion when you leave the office.
quiero hacer la domotica de una eco-casa. con controles para luces, electrodomesticos, enchufes y la posible recarga con energia solar
Transform it into a portable 4K gaming console with dual 4Kp60 HDMI output.
Create a multi-camera surveillance system using the 2 × 4-lane MIPI camera interfaces.
Car-Tell, tie the new Rpi powerhouse into a vehicles touchscreen and possibly obd port. Set a switch option to allow for rpi connection via Android Auto or standard option for phone/external USB. With the Rpi provide either multiple boot options to allow for Kali, media, car diagnostic, sdr, etc… Or an installation that can allow for access to each.
Kali on the road would be incredible for fully exploring your environment while driving and extemely useful for security work allow mapping and capture of many OiT devices in parking lots and external areas. Provide an option for better antenna and internal devices are now available. Run with a rolling scan for open wifi and/or known public open wifi to send information remotely.
Really the key is to take advantage of the new power of the 5 and have it installed into your vehicle allowing for extended and potentially stealth observations and assessments. Android Auto is an option but if more direct connects are available those can be utilized.
las posibilidades son infinitas.. pero quisiera que creen un parlante asistente con IA integrado que responda preguntas dictadas por voz tal cual una charla entre amigos . sería algo interactivo y genial .
Build a miniature 4K media server for your home entertainment.
Construct an AI-powered home automation hub with real-time processing.
Make a robotic bartender using the PCIe interface for fast peripherals.
Design a DIY smart mirror with dual 4K displays and real-time clock.
Set up a high-speed file server with Gigabit Ethernet and USB 3.0.
Craft an AI-powered self-driving RC car with the powerful GPU.
Create an autonomous drone with 4Kp60 video capture and processing capabilities.
I’d want one to self drive a vehicle (could be actual car or RC if you’re stressing) around an obstacle course, that’ll surely test the power of it!
I’m 22 years old and a newbie in the world of computers. I really want to know all the great things a computer can do when blended with human brain.
I’ve watched several videos on web, relating all the exciting things one can achieve using raspberry pi. I wanna build all those stuff by my own.
I can’t wait to work on my first computer, that too of a size of a credit card.
Even if I’ll not win this contest, I thought it would be worth trying cause there’s nothing to lose.
At first I thought that why would I win among all the people with so many great ideas but then I remembered that “Never self reject”.
Thanks for your precious time.
Build a smart system for old cars.
2 cameras for 360° recognition, scanning street signs, parking spot detection (measuring spot length), checking for distance and warn if too close (to cars or while parking). Having a automatic carport opener through with RF.
And having a media entertainment incl. navigation.
So doing what new cars can, without having problems, that the car is only runnable electric.
Raspberry Pi 5 seems to be great for virtualization. There is a port existing for Proxmox: Pimox. You can run either QEMU VMs or LXC software containers. So you can run multiple Raspberry Pis in just one hardware. But what is about the multi-purpose usable GPIOs? Well, for that there is the GPIO extension mode existing where you can turn every Raspberry Pi Zero in an USB attached GPIO Extension. So in theory you can link for every VM an USB attached Raspberry Pi Zero to have your HATs and Shields attached to the virtual Raspberry. Great for modularity to separate Motor and Sensor HATs or to have just SPI, I2C, etc. separated.
Build Foxes warning systems :
every year in the Spring the fox hunt my chickens.
i want to build a warning system with Raspberry Pi 5 and pi camera with animals detection systems , whenever the system recognise a fox it should start some kind of an allarm to scare the fox away and send me a Slack message .
Not a crazy thing, but I’d like to use it for learning. I’ve no experience with Linux and some in programming, so still a lot to learn. I want to be able to program on the go, but I dislike Laptops with a passion since my bad experience with a very expensive Laptop I got as a present from my parents about 10 years ago. So my setup would be with a raspberry, a Touch Display (max 16″) and Bluetooth keyboard. Since I also are interested in electronics some day I’d probably would get some sensors and try things out but as of right now I do not have the resources to do anything with it.
this can make me the world biggest black hat hacker
Quero desenvolver um sistema de monitoramento de idosos.
O raspberry pi seria responsável por coletar e processar as imagens de câmeras térmicas em tempo real, analisando informações de temperatura e atividade corporal.
As câmeras seriam colocadas em todos os ambientes da moradia do idoso.
Em caso de anomalias na temperatura ou falta de movimento por períodos predeterminados,
o sistema dispararia um alerta para uma central de monitoramento para que seja providenciado suporte e atendimento ao idoso.
Créer un serveur domotique ou un nas pour héberger toutes ses données et tous ses appareils connectés.
intenar generar una ia con rendimiento 100% con simulaciones sobre el cancer o el espacio en un entorno 3d , ambos proyectos. saludos.
I would like to make a file converter server since I dont want my personal files being uploaded to the cloud JUST to convert its file type!
I will do AI-powered AOSP and chromium os tablet with two cameras that recognize faces.
Two AI platforms (One in the home to ask something, one in settings to add any setting from your mind),
One camera is to take a photo, the second is to see heat around(with a heat camera),
can change in every time os(some times laptop with touch screen, sometimes android14 tablet),
An open-source portable LAB.