A List of Raspberry Pi Approved Resellers

There are currently roughly 99 Raspberry Pi Approved Resellers. We thought it would be nice to collect them all in one place with their names, locations, and websites.
Approved Resellers are able to guarantee quality and customer support.
We here at PiCockpit have a sister company – buyzero.de – that is itself a Raspberry Pi Approved Reseller in Germany.
In this table, I have sorted the companies based on country. So, you can quickly find an Approved Reseller near you.
Company | Country | Website | |
1 | Dzduino | Algeria | www.dzduino.com |
2 | Core Electronics | Australia | www.core-electronics.com.au |
3 | Little Bird Electronics | Australia | raspberry.piaustralia.com.au |
4 | Semaf Electronics | Austria | electronics.semaf.at |
5 | MC Hobby | Belgium | shop.mchobby.be |
6 | Maker Hero | Brazil | www.makerhero.com |
7 | RoboCore Tecnologia | Brazil | www.robocore.net |
8 | CanaKit Corporation | Canada | www.canakit.com |
9 | PiShop.ca | Canada | www.pishop.ca |
10 | MCI Electronics | Chile | www.mcielectronics.cl |
11 | Beijing Aiweiding Information Technology | China | www.bjivision.com |
12 | Classroom Steam | China | www.classroomeshop.com |
13 | Junroc | China | junpengsm.world.tmall.com |
14 | Seeed Studio | China | www.seeed.cc |
15 | Thingbits | China | www.thingbits.net |
16 | Sigma Electrónica | Colombia | www.sigmaelectronica.net |
17 | RPishop.cz | Czech Republic | www.rpishop.cz |
18 | Jkollerup.dk | Denmark | www.raspberrypi.dk |
19 | Kubii | France | www.kubii.com |
20 | Yadom | France | www.yadom.eu |
21 | pi3g | Germany | www.buyzero.de |
22 | Astradis Elektronik | Germany | www.asdstore.de |
23 | CJ-Elektronik | Germany | shop.funk24.net |
24 | Ineltek | Germany | www.ineltek.com |
25 | Mouser Electronics | Germany | www.mouser.com |
26 | reichelt elektronik | Germany | www.reichelt.com |
27 | Sertronics | Germany | www.berrybase.de |
28 | S&H Werner | Germany | www.rasppishop.de |
29 | Welectron | Germany | www.welectron.com |
30 | DaakyeTech | Ghana | www.daakyetech.com |
31 | Jumia | Ghana | www.jumia.com.gh |
32 | TechTen Planet | Ghana | www.techtenplanet.org |
33 | Nettop | Greece | www.nettop.gr |
34 | Málna PC | Hungary | www.malnapc.hu |
35 | rPI Bolt | Hungary | www.rpibolt.hu |
36 | Robocraze | India | www.robocraze.com |
37 | Robu.in | India | www.robu.in |
38 | Silverline Electronics | India | www.silverlineelectronics.in |
39 | Piitel | Israel | www.piitel.co.il |
40 | Melopero | Italy | www.melopero.com |
41 | Baks | Japan | www.icbroker-japan.com |
42 | KSY | Japan | raspberry-pi.ksyic.com |
43 | Switch Science | Japan | www.switch-science.com |
44 | Ivyliam Gadgets | Kenya | shop.ivyliam.com |
45 | Electronic-Shop | Luxembourg | www.electronic-shop.lu |
46 | Autobotic | Malaysia | www.autobotic.com.my |
47 | Cytron | Malaysia | www.cytron.io |
48 | 330ohms | Mexico | www.330ohms.com |
49 | AG Electrónica | Mexico | www.agelectronica.com |
50 | Geek Factory | Mexico | www.geekfactory.mx |
51 | Robox | Morocco | www.robox.ma |
52 | PB Tech | New Zealand | www.pbtech.co.nz |
53 | STEMCafe | Nigeria | shop.stemcafe.io |
54 | Swift Berry | Nigeria | www.swiftberry.ng |
55 | Generación Tec | Peru | www.thepibox.pe |
56 | Argon Forty | Philippines | www.argon40.com |
57 | Botland | Poland | www.botland.store |
58 | Kamami | Poland | www.kamami.pl |
59 | Robert Mauser | Portugal | www.mauser.pt |
60 | Optimus Digital | Romania | www.optimusdigital.ro |
61 | Nyereka Tech | Rwanda | www.nyerekatech.com |
62 | Geeks Valley | Saudi Arabia | www.geeksvalley.com |
63 | Galago | Slovenia | www.galagomarket.com |
64 | PiShop | South Africa | www.pishop.co.za |
65 | Eleparts | South Korea | www.eleparts.co.kr |
66 | Leocom | South Korea | www.leocom.kr |
67 | Ntrex | South Korea | www.devicemart.co.kr |
68 | AP Tecnología | Spain | www.raspipc.es |
69 | tiendatec | Spain | www.tiendatec.es |
70 | Elektrokit | Sweden | www.electrokit.com |
71 | EducaWeb.ch | Switzerland | www.educaweb.ch |
72 | Totonic | Switzerland | www.pi-shop.ch |
73 | Ricelee | Taiwan | www.ricelee.com |
74 | Elektor | The Netherlands | www.elektor.com |
75 | Elektronica Voor Jou | The Netherlands | www.elektronicavoorjou.nl |
76 | Kiwi Electronics | The Netherlands | www.kiwi-electronics.com |
77 | Raspberry Store | The Netherlands | www.raspberrystore.nl |
78 | SAMM Teknoloji | Turkey | www.samm.com |
79 | BCD-Atlantik | UK | www.bcdatlantik.shop |
80 | Cool Components | UK | www.coolcomponents.co.uk |
81 | CPC | UK | www.cpc.farnell.com |
82 | element14 | UK | community.element14.com |
83 | Farnell | UK | www.farnell.com |
84 | Kitronik | UK | www.kitronik.co.uk |
85 | Pimoroni | UK | shop.pimoroni.com |
86 | Rapid | UK | www.rapidonline.com |
87 | Raspberry Pi Direct | UK | direct.raspberrypi.com |
88 | Raspberry Pi Press | UK | store.rpipress.cc |
89 | The Pi Hut | UK | www.thepihut.com |
90 | Adafruit | USA | www.adafruit.com |
91 | Central Computers | USA | www.centralcomputer.com |
92 | Chicago Electronic Distributors | USA | www.chicagodist.com |
93 | DigiKey | USA | www.digikey.com |
94 | Maker Bright | USA | www.makerbright.com |
95 | Micro Electronics | USA | www.microcenter.com |
96 | Newark Electronics | USA | www.newark.com |
97 | PiShop.us | USA | www.pishop.us |
98 | SparkFun | USA | www.sparkfun.com |
99 | Vilros | USA | www.vilros.com |
If you want to find out more, don’t hesitate to contact us. And if you have any questions, you can leave a comment below.
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