We are Deprecating Our Sensor Apps

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You’ve likely noticed that we’ve been making some pretty exciting changes to PiCockpit these past few weeks! Aside from adding new functionalities and developing a brand new user interface, we’ve also decided that the time has come and we are deprecating our sensor apps. This means that our BME688 AirMeter App and our CO2 Sensor…

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A New PiCockpit User Interface is Coming!

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We’ve been hard at work behind-the-scenes developing a new PiCockpit user interface for you. And we’re very excited to announce that it will be available shortly. Our new design will make PiCockpit even more user-friendly and intuitive to use. What’s more, we’re expanding the ways in which you can view your fleet of devices, making…

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Announcing PiCockpit’s File Editor App

We’re thrilled to announce our new File Editor App that allows you to create and edit files and directories remotely on your Raspberry Pi! Even more than that, with our File Editor App, you’ll be able to get assistance from our AI system: RaspiGPT. This app gives you full control over the file system on…

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Create a Paperless Office with a Raspberry Pi

Going paperless can offer huge advantages to your business. From reducing clutter to environmental concerns, there are many reasons individuals and companies are seeking to digitize their documents. And so many here, I want to tell you how to create a paperless office with a Raspberry Pi. In this article, I will highlight an extremely…

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Easily Write a Script on Your Raspberry Pi with PiCockpit

PiCockpit makes scripting for your Raspberry Pi both intuitive and easy to manage. With our PiControl App, you can easily write a script and create a button to run it from anywhere in the world. In this blog post, I’ll guide you through the process of writing a simple script to open Firefox on your…

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Troubleshooting Software Problems on your Raspberry Pi

If you’re relying on a Raspberry Pi for automating tasks at home or at work, then you know that it’s important to be able to quickly troubleshoot any problems that may arise. So here I will go over troubleshooting software problems on your Raspberry Pi. And I will show you exactly which commands you can…

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Control Your Raspberry Pi’s Fan with PiCockpit


In this article, I want to show you the best way to keep your Raspberry Pi cool with PiCockpit. Our apps enable you to not only monitor how hot your Raspberry Pi is getting, but also to take control of your Raspberry Pi’s fan. Keeping any computer cool is important for its health and longevity…

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A List of Raspberry Pi Approved Resellers

A List of All Raspberry Pi Approved Resellers Title Image

There are currently roughly 99 Raspberry Pi Approved Resellers. We thought it would be nice to collect them all in one place with their names, locations, and websites. Approved Resellers are able to guarantee quality and customer support. We here at PiCockpit have a sister company – buyzero.de – that is itself a Raspberry Pi…

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Paragon Project: Pico Air Quality Monitor

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Want to monitor the air quality in your home or city? Then this is the ideal project for you! It’s a straightforward and simple air quality monitor with a Raspberry Pi Pico! This great little project was put together by Yakroo and shared on hackster.io. Before I tell you all about it though, I do…

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